We Are Here For You No Matter Where You Are

Our Attorneys Will Investigate And Pursue Justice After Nursing Home Injuries

If your loved one suffered a fall or became ill because of bed sores while in a Chicago-are nursing home, you are doing the right thing by seeking legal advice.

You may face extraordinary expenses because your elderly parent, spouse or sibling now needs a higher level of care after suffering a fall or burn injury. Did your loved one die in suspicious circumstances in a long-term care facility? Your family deserves to know why and how this happened. You may be eligible for compensation for both economic and noneconomic losses, including:

  • Medical bills and other care-related expenses
  • Mental anguish and loss of companionship with your loved one

You deserve to know whether your or your family member’s injuries or death in an Illinois nursing home were preventable and whose negligence contributed to the incident.

Getting Answers And Seeking Relief From Injuries Caused By Nursing Home Neglect

We are experienced personal injury attorneys with the knowledge and skills necessary to discover and document your or your loved one’s harm, such as the following:

  • Decubitus ulcers (bed sores)
  • Malnutrition or dehydration
  • Burns injuries caused by scalding bath water or other hazards
  • Skin tears or bruises caused by rough handling
  • Bone fractures or other injuries caused by falls
  • Medication errors
  • Psychological injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by emotional or physical abuse, including sexual abuse
  • Financial exploitation through elder abuse by caregivers

If we work with you on your case, we will begin a prompt investigation to determine what individual or systemic wrongdoings caused the injuries or unexplained death. We will also review records to uncover any violations of nursing home residents’ rights, according to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), to:

  • Enjoy a dignified existence, self-determination and communications
  • Receive communications in an understood language about a resident’s health status
  • Refuse treatments
  • Exercise legal rights
  • Manage one’s financial affairs
  • Remain free from physical restraints or psychoactive drugs administered for discipline or convenience

The list above is not exhaustive but is illustrative of the rights of long-term care residents that may become relevant in a nursing home injury case. We investigate physical abuse in nursing homes and evidence of any other type of negligence that could strengthen your claim for compensation.

If You Or Your Loved One Has A Valid Nursing Home Injury Case

We are eager to explain to you how we will go about investigating red flags, determining that abuse has happened and proving negligence by care providers or an organization that operates the nursing home.

Was the care crew critically understaffed? Did a caregiver turn off surveillance cameras before inflicting harm on your loved one? Our nursing home negligence lawyers will get to the bottom of the case and file your claim in a proper, timely way if warranted.

To schedule a free consultation about a potential nursing home abuse or injury case, send an email inquiry or call us at 630-912-6009 to reach us in Naperville or Aurora. We will add your name to our calendar. If you want to skip the initial intake process, we give you an option of completing this form prior to our meeting.