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Experienced Union Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Workers’ compensation claims are complex, and union workers can face hurdles when seeking the compensation they deserve, especially when one has a significant injury that effects ability to return to a trade. If you are a union worker in Naperville, Aurora or the surrounding areas, having a skilled attorney on your side is essential if you have been injured on the job. Even though your union may have a steward to help solve issues or even an attorney on stand-by to help with legal related questions, those attorneys are likely not ready or able to handle the dynamics of a workers compensation case.  Most union attorneys are not familiar with the complexities of the workers compensation system because it is such a specialized field of law.

Marker & Crannell Attorneys At Law P.C. has been recognized as one of the top law firms in Naperville for workers’ compensation and personal injury cases by Naperville Magazine. With years of experience representing union workers, we have the knowledge to protect your rights and maximize your compensation.

How Does Being In A Union Affect A Workers’ Comp Case?

Being in a union can offer additional protections when you’re injured at work, but it’s important to understand how it impacts your workers’ compensation case. Here are key ways that union membership can affect your claim:

  • Stronger job protection: Unions can help protect your job during a workers’ comp case, making sure you are not unfairly terminated while recovering.
  • Bargained benefits: Unions often negotiate for better workers’ comp benefits and additional protections that can be advantageous in your case.
  • Larger organizations: Major unions like the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Plumbers and Pipefitters, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, IBEW and SEIU Healthcare IL have significant resources to support their members in the event of a work injury.
  • Legal assistance: While unions can provide legal support, the attorneys they work with may not have the trial experience necessary to handle the complexities of a work injury case or fight for the full compensation you deserve.
  • Insurance limitations: Workers’ compensation insurance may not cover all the costs of your injury, and a dedicated lawyer can help secure additional compensation for out-of-pocket expenses.

What Benefits do I have the Right to Receive as a Union Member Injured on the Job?

  • Payment for Your Medical Treatment: Illinois law provides that an employer, through their workers’ compensation insurance carrier, must pay for any/all treatment that your doctor recommends that is related to the injury from the accident. This is required until you reach maximum medical improvement (when a doctor releases you from care).
  • Payment if your Doctor takes you Off Work: You are entitled to 2/3 of your average weekly wage being paid by the workers’ compensation insurance carrier if your doctor takes you off work while your dealing with your injury and you are off more than three (3) days. If your doctor gives you restrictions, such as light duty, your employer has the ability to advise you if they can accommodate those restrictions with any other position. If they can accommodate, the employee has to return to work in that position but should be paid the same rate they were being paid while on the job they were injured. If the employer cannot accommodate and you remain off work, then you should be paid 2/3 of your average weekly wage.
  • Settlement for the Permanency of your Injury: Every injury on the job is worth something. Outside of a death case, there are three types of settlements under Illinois law.
  1. If you are able to return to work, your case is settled as a percentage of the body part you injured. Illinois law sets forth a schedule for the amount of weeks each body part is worth. Employees are entitled to a percentage of the weeks of the particular body part they injured based upon the severity of their injury, the amount of medical treatment, their ability to return to work and some additional factors. Settlements are computed by multiplying 60% of your average weekly wage by the percentage of weeks of the body party you injured.
  2. If you have permanent restrictions and cannot return to you union job, you are entitled to what is called a wage loss or loss of trade. If you are forced to find a lower paying job by virtue of a permanent restriction that does not allow you to do your union trade, this is a serious situation. Most often you are entitled to vocational rehabilitation to determine what other occupations you could find work. You would be entitled a weekly payment of 2/3 of the difference between what you were making at your union job and whatever new occupation you find, up to age 67.
  3. If you are permanent disabled from ever doing any work in any way, then you are entitled to 2/3 of your average weekly wage, paid weekly for life.

Even with union backing, the insurance company is in business to save money, and they will try to minimize your benefits. That is where Marker & Crannell Attorneys At Law P.C., comes in – our attorneys will make sure your case is fully explored and your compensation maximized. It is our daily work to fight insurance companies and have your back to ensure your interests are protected.

Talk To Us Today

Recognized as one of the top three firms in Naperville Magazine’s Best of Naperville, Marker & Crannell Attorneys At Law P.C. has a proven track record of success in representing union workers with workers’ compensation and injury claims. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney who can help you with your workers’ compensation case. Call 630-912-6009 or email us to get started.